

Oxford University Press Publishes Article by Professor Douglas Yates

Sunday, 16 June 2013

douglas_yates2011_100x120.jpgOxford University Press has recently published Douglas Yates's article on "Democracy and Authoritarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa" in the Political Science section of the Oxford Bibliographies Collection. In his article, Professor Yates provided some of the most cited authors, journals, and websites on democratic transition, democratic consolidation, political parties, elections, public opinion, civil society, and social movements in the literature on democratization in Africa as well as traditional rulers, personal rule, one-party regimes, military rule, ethnic politics, and françafrique in the literature on African authoritarianism.

Rick Valelly, editor-in-chief of the Oxford Bibliographies Political Science series, writes about Professor Yates's article: "This is a very comprehensive, lively and genuinely engaging entry. The discussion of Françafrique is among many elements that distinguish it and that will strike readers as particularly fresh and unusual; another is the surprising fact of initial and rapid adoption of democracy during the Third Wave. Yet another is the discussion of the Afrobarometer data. The attention to the leaders in the field and the conceptual problems with which they have wrestled will encourage new entrants into this important area of scholarship. I'm certain, too, that policymakers will find this entry exceptionally valuable".

The Oxford Bibliographies Collection was developed cooperatively with scholars worldwide and offers exclusive, authoritative research guides across a variety of subjects.


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Ryan MillsUnited States
Study Abroad in Paris
Fall 2015 

quote leftFrom current issues in the Middle East taught together by an Iranian historian and an Israelli journalist, to NGO management taught by the director of Human Rights Watch in France, every class was fascinating and taught by some of the most impressive people I could ever have imagined. I immediately felt at home in this small but active AGS community because, although students and professors are all from different parts of the world, everyone takes the time to understand each other's perspective. Overall, I would recommend AGS to anyone with a thirst for intellectual stimulation and a drive to not only understand the world of international relations, but engage in it..quote right

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