

Manlio Graziano, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Fields of expertise
  • Geopolitics

  • Geopolitics of Religions

  • International Relations

  • Modern History

  • Italian History and Politics

  • European Affairs


  • Ph.D. in Italian Politics and History, 2004, Stendhal University Grenoble III, Mention Très Bien avec Félicitations Unanimes du Jury

  • Teaching Certification from the Conseil National des Universités, 2005, in History and Italian, 1992

  • Teaching Certification, Italian Ministry of Education

  • Master’s degree in French Language and Modern Literature from the University of Turin, Italy, 1982, Cum Laude

Other Current Posts

  • Université Paris IV – La Sorbonne, France, Formation Continue : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Skema Business School, Sophia Antipolis, Paris, Lille, Suzhou, Raleigh: Geopolitics

  • Université Inter-âges de Versailles, France : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Université d’Évry, France : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Centro di studi giuridici e sociali Italo Baldelli (Milan, Italy): Translator

Previous experience

  • 2006-2008: École Supérieure de Traduction et de Relations Internationales de Lyon: Italian issues

  • 2007: Luiss University, Roma: Geopolitics of the Catholic Church

  • 2000-2010: Courses in Italian History, Politics and Civilization at the following universities: Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université Paris X - Nanterre, Université Lyon II, Université Grenoble III, Université de Tours (France).

  • 1984-1999: Professor of French Language and Literature in Italy

  • Member of the Editorial Staff of the geopolitical journals Outre-Terre (Paris) and Geopolitical Affairs (London)

    Selected publications


    • What is a Borde, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018

    • L’Isola al centro del mondo. Une geopolitica degli Stati Uniti [The Island in the Center of the World. The Geopolitics of the United States], Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018

    • Holy War and Holy Alliance, New York : Columbia University Press, 2017

    • In Rome We Trust. The Rise of Catholics in American Political Life (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2017

    • Guerra Santa e Santa Alleanza: Religioni a disordine internazionale nel XXI secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2015

    • Essential Geopolitics: A Handboook, ©Manlio Graziano, 2011 (in English and in French). Also in Kindle version on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk; amazon.fr, amazon.de, amazon.it, amazon.es

    • Il siglo catòlico. La estrategia geopolitica de la Iglesia. Barcelona: RBA Libros, 2012

    • Il secolo cattolico. La strategia geopolitica della Chiesa. Rome-Bari: Laterza, 2010

    • The Failure of Italian Nationhood: The Geopolitics of a Troubled Identity. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010

    • Italia senza nazione? Geopolitica di un’identità problematica. Rome: Donzelli, 2007

    • Italie: Un État sans nation? Géopolitique d’une identité nationale incertaine. Erès, Toulouse, 2007

    • Identité italienne et identité catholique. L’Italie laboratoire de l’Église. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007

    • Le radici culturali, politiche ed economiche dell'Europa da Bisanzio all'euro. Turin: Labriola Center Press, 1998

    Edited books:

    L’Italie Aujourd’hui. Situation et Perspectives après le Séisme des Années Quatre-vingt-dix. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2004

    Articles about Geopolitics of religions:

    • in International Affairs Forum, November 8, 2012

    • , in Diploweb, 24 octobre 2012

    • "", in Heartland, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, September 2012; International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations, Washington DC, August 3, 2012

    • "La Francia al di là dello specchio", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, June 2012

    • "La sbornia triste", America Oggi, May 9, 2012

    • "Geopolitica della democrazia", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2012

    • "La Chiesa Cattolica", in Atlante geopolitico Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, Rome, 2011

    • "Come riunire i franchi dell’est e dell’ovest", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, September 2011

    • "Lo stivale senza stringhe", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, May 2011

    • "La guerra imperfetta di Parigi", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2011

    • "L’Italia pirandelliana. Stanche celebrazioni per i 150 anni dell’Unità mettono in scena il dramma dello scambio d’identità", in America Oggi 7, New York, March 13, 2011

    • "Modello turco per il Nordafrica", in Il Sole 24 Ore, February 18, 2011

    • "L’Italie o si odia o si ama", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, December 2010

    • "Italy Seen From France, or the Complexity of Family Relations", in Modern Italy, Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Cambridge Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2010

    • "Will the New World Order Be Catholic? The Pope’s Divisions in the Global Turmoil in Heartland, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, July 2010

    • "Sainte Alliance vs Guerre Sainte dans la Méditerranée" in Outre-Terre, October 2009

    • "Europa Magistra Mundi: la Grande Strategia della Chiesa di Roma" in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, October 2009

    • "La Chiesa e l’Europa, Cinquant’anni di Vantaggio" in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, February 2008

    • "L’Église Catholique et la 'Théologie de la Prospérité' en Amérique latine" in Outre-Terre, February 2008

    • "The Catholic Church and the ‘Others’: a Universalist Strategy" in Geopolitical Affairs, June 2007

    • "L’Église Catholique et 'les Autres': une Stratégie Universelle" in Outre-Terre, May 2007

    • "Zhôngguó : la Chine au Centre du Monde. Même pour l’Église catholique" in Outre-Terre, June 2006


    Contact Us

    For any questions,
    please email us at info@ags.edu
    or use the form below.


    Stefan De Las Trinidad and Tobago
    M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy
    Class of 2014

    quote leftAGS brought me closer to the world, and to those multinational perspectives that always tended to evade a simple islander. My own ideals were tested and defended on a daily basis, as I was challenged by almost everyone, from German, Russian and Ghanaian classmates to Ambassadors and professors, who have time and again embraced the practical and academic realms of life. Paris' hard-knock life style, AGS' academic structure and my own drive to succeed have definitely provided me with the foundation to give working life the pursuit it deserves.quote right

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