

Faculty Notes

Prof. Graziano's Book on the Geopolitics of the Catholic Church Published in Spain

Read more...A Spanish translation of Professor Graziano's book on the geopolitics of the Catholic Church, was recently published in Spain: El Siglo Catòlico: La Estrategia Geopolìtica della Iglesia (Barcelona: RBA 2012).


Upcoming Talk by Professor Pike on the Nazis and the SS

Read more...Dr. David Pike, AGS Professor and AUP Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Contemporary History and Politics, will speak on Friday, April 6 on the topic:
“The Nazi Universe: The SS Archipelago.”

Venue: April 6: 13:45 – 15:00.
6, rue du Colonel ...

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Prof. Milovidov attends Launch of Children's Rights and Business Principles

Read more...On March 12, 2012, Professor Elizabeth Milovidov attended the London launch of the Children's Rights and Business Principles. The Principles were formulated by UNICEF, Save the Children and the UN Global Compact with the aim that the business community ...

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Professor McGiffen Gives a Talk on GMOs in Agriculture at the European Commission

Read more...On 15th December Professor Steve McGiffen gave a talk to an invited group of officials at the European Commission in Brussels, on the subject of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. Professor McGiffen was the guest ...

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Patrick Clairzier Publishes Article in "Socialism and Democracy"

Read more...Patrick Clairzier published an article in the latest issue of Routledge's Journal Socialism and Democracy: "Paths to Development through Trade: EU-Led Trade Liberalization vs South–South Cooperation" (2011, Volume 25: Issue 2, pp.64-80).

The article examines the Cariforum-EC Economic Partnership Agreement between ...

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Professor Yates Publishes New Book on the Resource Curse in Africa

Read more...Professor Douglas Yates just published his fifth book: The Scramble for African Oil: Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa's Natural Resources. The book was released by London’s Pluto Press on January 17th, 2012.

The Scramble for African Oil ...

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Prof. Steve McGiffen and AGS Staff Sarah Pedersen Attend Conference on Climate Change in Brussels

Read more...On November 10, Professor Steve McGiffen attended a conference on climate change at the European Parliament in Brussels, organized by the United Left Group/Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group (GUE/NGL) in the run-up to the Conference of Parties to ...

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Professor Yates Participates in Chatham House Conference in UK

Read more...On November 16th, Professor Douglas Yates participated in a one-day conference on "Oil, Politics and Africa" organized by Chatham House (the British Royal Institute of International Affairs) and the African Studies Centre at Coventry University (UK). This conference examined current ...

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Prof. Graziano Interviewed in Canadian Newspaper About Berlusconi

Read more...Professor Manlio Graziano, who teaches at AGS and at La Sorbonne in Paris, was interviewed in the Canadian newspaper La Presse on November 8 about Silvio Berlusconi's politics and his government's legacy following the announcement of ...

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Professor Bismuth Publishes Doctoral Dissertation on International Law

Read more...Professor Regis Bismuth's doctoral dissertation was just published in French by Belgian publisher Bruylant. It is entitled La Coopération Internationale des Autorités de Régulation du Secteur Financier et le Droit International Public (International Cooperation Between Financial Regulatory Authorities and ...

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Patrick Clairzier Haiti-USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2009

quote leftAfter working in financial services for ten years, AGS has provided me with a platform of different views and new perspectives on world affairs from which to build a new career in international relations.quote right

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