

Student and Alumni Stories

Noriyuki Shikata (Japan), class of 2001

Read more... Noriyuki Shikata serving with the Japanese Diplomatic Corps has been transferred from his post as Director of Status of U.S. Forces Agreement to that of Assistant Press Secretary, Director in charge of ...

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Vili Lazarova (Bulgaria), Class of 2004


Vili Lazarova is now working at Publicis in Paris as a Consultant in Financial Communications, while finishing her Master's thesis with AGSIRD.

She works with French and international companies around their financial, but ...

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Omar Bandar (USA), M.A., class of 2006

Read more...Omar Bandar (2006) was part of a fifteen-member delegation to the West Bank in Palestine, in association with the , ...

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Nina Sajic (Bosnia-Herzegovina), M.A., class of 2006

Read more...On October 24th-25th, Nina Sajic travelled to Italy as a member of the official delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she met with both Pope Benedict XVI and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Nina is ...

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Danilo Padilla (Philippines), class of 2000

Read more...Danilo Padilla works for UNESCO in Bangkok where he is Programme Planning Officer and Executive Assistant to the Director. Danny participates in UNESCO's medium-term strategy consultations.

His responsibilities include liaising with the more than ...

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Matthew Bentley (Australia), M.A. 2000, Ph.D. 2004

Read more...Matthew Bentley is working with UNEP (United Nations Environmental Protection Agency) in Paris on a two-year assignment, after which he will return to Australia to his post with the Department of Foreign Affairs ...

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Deborah Lizak (USA), class of 2006

Read more...Deborah Lizak works at Columbia University as special assistant to , recipient of the Nobel Prize of Economics in 2001. Her duties include background research on anyone that professor ...

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Rao Chelikani (India), Ph.D., class of 1997

Read more... After returning from Paris where he had spent many years, Rao Chelikani started an International Foundation for Human Development () in Hyderabad, India. IFHD is an organization that strives to ...

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Arnold Obermayr (Austria), class of 2000

Read more... Arnold Obermayr is Deputy Head of Mission and counsellor currently serving at the Austrian Embassy in Bangkok. He took up this position in May 2007 after serving the Austrian diplomatic corps in ...

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Charlotte Bennborn Sweden
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2008

quote leftFor me, a key attraction of AGS was the opportunity to complete two Masters’ degrees in two years in two languages.quote right

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